One of the most striking volcanoes on the island of Bali is Batur,1717 metres/5633 feet above the see level. Mount Batur was the summit of mount Panulisan. Becouse of the several eruption, the former top of the mount was invisible. some decades later the new peak appreared becoming the recent mount Batur. It stands in the centre of the old creater.It's sides are covered with the black lava spilled out into the great bowl of the older crater in the lastest eruptions. It is said that the lava has not yet cooled deep down and, when the rain water seeps through the cracks of the dried lava it turns into clauds of steam. Half circling the hamlets and the village of Trunyan inhabited by the aborogines, the Bali Aga.
In former times the prosperous village of Batur lay at the foot of the volcano, but today only the villages across the lake and some hamlets along the shores of the lake remain there.
One day mount batur began to growl and, in 1917 it burst into a violent erouption accompanied by several earthquakeakes. The whole of the island was effected, tens of thousands buildings and temples in Bali were destroyed. The lava engulfed the village of Batur, but stopped at the very gate of the tample. The villagers took the miracle as a good omen and continued to live there. In Agust 1926, however, a new eruption buried the village and their sacred temple under the molten lava, this time with the loss of on life, an old women who died of fright. Being unable to break the spell that links their destinies, the people of Batur evacuated their homes and rebuilt their village high up the rim of the outer crater, renamed Kubu Batur. This village swells becoming the village of Kintamani. After being in active for some periods, in 1963 again, mount Batur has been beginning to active untill taday, but this time the eruption moves in peaceful action.