The village of Trunyan, lying at the bank of lake Batur, Kintamani, is a village inhabited by the aborogines,the Bali Aga.These people have a special custom of funeral and practising their own religion. They do not bury and cremate their dead bodies as other Balinese do, but only lay them down in the open grave of about twenty inches deep. The dead bodies are onlycovered with pieces of cloth and let the face open. The grave yard is situated at the bank of the lake under the deep ravines, making unable to be visited by wild animals.
Trunyan is derived from "Taru Menyan" (the smell of fragrant tree of incence),the name of beautiful girl of this village who married Datonta, a God in disguised. when she was left by her husband, he promised to watch this village in disguised and made this village prosperous.
Datonta prohibited her marryanother man. She promised not marry any more so that she could meet him in heaven. After the daeth of Tarumenyan, the people of this village created a huge image of datonta as their God,and called him "Ratu Gede Pusering Jagad" (His Majesty on World). the people of this village still worship this God until today.